Halal Reviews for Guanabana Camden

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Mohammed Khan

a year ago


Food is decent, portion size is good nothing special. Price wise very expensive for the food quality and quantity. I would not recommend the nachos unless you like mince in floating oil. Would i recommend? NO. I really wanted to recommend too as it was good place but price and quality wasn't comparable. Very nice hosts


5 months ago


Amazing. The food was good all round from start to finish. Surroundings was very nice so felt comfortable eating here. I would definitely recommend the steaks here along with a nice chilling mojito drink. The staff are very welcoming and polite. Will be coming here again to enjoy this food.

Shah hussain

5 months ago


We only went in there because Bin Tang was too busy. Service was great. All dishes were recommended to us by waiter, and we wasn't disappointed.

Aishah Jalil

a month ago


Jerk chicken with the white sauce is peng!! Highly recommend even if you don't like garlic. ;) Lovely staff who gave me a treat after finding out it was my birthday. So pleased! Thank you, moimoi. 😊😊😊😊