Halal Reviews for Kadiris Willesden Green

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Keiron Joy

2 months ago


I’ve just ordered from here for the first time and I must say it was beautiful! The vegetarian options are really really good. I had the butter paneer. Very tasty, good portions. Will definitely be ordering again.

Haroon Rauf

6 months ago


Really good food. Super mix grill is a must try if your attending with a few friends. Curry dishes also very good. Not loaded with onions or tomatoes like some places. Nicely presented Kulfis too

Fatou Conteh

a month ago


Attractive environment, prime location to meet up, service with a smile and delicious food I will recommend to friends and family

Andrew Barlow

9 months ago


I enjoyed the food here. It's no frills in terms of restaurant surroundings, the decor is basic. The food is good value for money and tasty. The veg Madras had a good level of heat. The vegan options are good and well marked on the menu. If I could get a cold larger with my meal I'd give it five stars.

omar khan

a week ago


Possibly the best Asian restaurant in London but bit expensive