Halal Reviews for Assenheims 56 Smithfield

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Assenheims 56 Smithfield and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Quentin Parsons

2 weeks ago


Very authentic South American huge 'workers' style cafe with unpretentious tasty chicken and rice. Waiter suitably gruff when asked for tap water to drink. A good experience.

Vassilis Eliades

a month ago


The best grilled chicken-juicy and succulent. It comes with a green sauce which tastes amazing with the chicken. There are also some delicious South American sandwiches with chorizo and steak. They also have vegan options and the portions are massive. It is a great spot for lunch.

Sahim Chowdhury

a month ago


Super food and simple menu. Can't go wrong! I go Assenheims regularly as sometimes you just want to have Assenheims and nothing else will beat the craving of their delicious grilled chicken and sides! Very fast service for dine in or take away.

Elliott Lawlor

7 months ago


Amazing food, amazing place. Fantastic chicken and rice and love the green sauce. Best food in London.

Waseem Amir

5 months ago


Love this place, just around the corner from work. Brace yourself the helpings are huge & you get your money's worth. For me it's the staple diet food, rice, chicken, grilled veg & plenty of it. The chicken (which is halal) is a kings feast on every plate. What makes it even more special is the green sauce. Its kind of a minty taste, but compliments the meal perfectly. See folks just pouring this all over their meals, you cant get enough of it! Great place for a great nosh up. Cost is really reasonable & be prepared to wobble out as you'll be pleasantly full.