Halal Reviews for Bim's Ilford

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أبو نائلة

2 weeks ago


Decent food if the staff took their time to correctly prepare it. Ordered a Double Fumy and it didn't have the turkey rations. Wasn't impressed. The person who does the quality check is clearly not doing their job properly


a week ago


Food is decent but on the expensive side. Prepared relatively well but a long wait.

fatima salhi

in the last week


Worst burger, tasteless, only thing OK are the French fries. We came today for the first time, there was good reviews I was confident, unfortunately I have to say that its like they took every cheapest thing for their menu, beverages, Sauces, even if you eat in they don't have trays, they give you a take away bag.... I tried burger Tower and chicken tower, all same. Otherwise, staff is professionnal, and food came hot and quickly. I don't understand why people are coming back, sorry its disappointing.


in the last week


Good quality of foods. Must try double Fumey burger and triple Cheese burger! Also try the fries with Algerian sauce. 🍔🍟

Mohammod Sahib

a week ago


Food was very good. Service was excellent by manager sulaiman, who looked after our bill when we made a mistake on ordering.