Halal Reviews for Nusa Kitchen Moorgate

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6 months ago


The staff are neat and side menus look healthy. To be fair, the rice with beef tastes not bad. I guess Red sauce tastes tomato , oregano and a hint of chilli. as for me, some twists make it better. Such as, texture of clashed peanuts, garnish of fresh herbs.

Francesco Lodolo

3 weeks ago


Went for vegan noodle at ÂŁ7.50. Microwaved type of noodle consistency and experience, not great taste too outside the chilly. No quality for money I'm afraid and quite mediocre lunch. Not worth it and they claim it as Made Fresh Daily.

Resident Adviser

a month ago


Large rice box with chicken great value for money. The food is delicious and friendly staff. Clean shop with places to sit and eat