Halal Reviews for Assenheims 56 Mansion House

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Laila Begum

in the last week


I love the vibe in this place. The staff are always super nice too. Great food. Sauce is nice with that extra spice. Wish the meat was halal as well as the chicken

Sourav Ghosh

5 months ago


The Choripan was extremely filling and so delicious. Will surely be back to try out their Chicken boxes! EDIT: Since then, I have tried the Full Monty sandwich and the Chicken box as well. Both are awesome and the portion sizes are huge. Special shoutout to their green sauce.

Binh Nguyen

8 months ago


Absolute gem of a place. Their signature dish (chicken box + 2 sides + green sauce) is amazing and the portion is very sizable. Make sure you have some caffeine after lunch or you'll fall asleep lol.

Beth Cruise

5 months ago


Delicious food (patacones) and nice and friendly staff 😉

Adam Gardner

7 months ago


Chicken, rice, veg, green sauce and red sauce - literally what is not to like!