Halal Reviews for Wayne’s Coffee Ilford

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6 months ago


Iced peach tea was gooood but their food was not the best. Good for a quick takeaway drink though

Mohsin Siddiqi

a year ago


Easily the best coffee and pastries in Ilford. Every order I've had from here has been fresh and tasty. Way better than the big chains imo.

Nirav Shah

a year ago


Fantastic coffee. Will be back the next time I'm in the area.

Mike Stezycki

a year ago


A great coffee house with the best Matcha 'Superccino' this side of Greater London. Great cosy vibes inside with nice selection of sandwiches and the staff are super friendly.

Razma Hussain

a year ago


The staff at Wayne's today were absolutely amazing and did there very best despite being extremely busy with the eat out to help out scheme. The team proved to be a well organised, but cohesive and from what I saw dealt with the pressure magnificently well. On the downside, the cafe was understaffed for the level of footfall circulating. Someone needed to be around on the shop floor to clean the tables as customers replenished. This is advised for the senior management team at Wayne's. During a pandemic, it's the companies due care to ensure the surfaces are well cleaned and that was merely impossible with only three staff members at such a busy time.