Halal Reviews for Tinseltown Gants Hill

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Lathu Thiru

a year ago


Used to go here after school everyday and still one of my regular places to hangout!

Remy Sahota

2 years ago


Customer service and cleanliness of tables/ menus could be improved. Desserts are good and a lot to choose from

Mohammed Abdullah

2 years ago


2 stars given as for the first time in a very long time, we were left shocked by the lack of customer service received. We went on a Saturday night and ordered the Nachos sharer but was told they had No salsa!! Then we wanted to order sweet potato chips and again told, that they 'ran out' of those too. We've been coming to this place for the last 5 years and to be honest this was the first time ever we felt that we had wasted our time and money in this place!! However the only thing which made the night slightly positive was their food. The food was still as nice as before and that was and is, thier only saviour. Unless the customer service improves dramatically I do not see us spending money at this place for a long long time.

Habibullah Chand

2 years ago


Nice & tasty food though menu has changed recently and it's very limited in terms of options.

David Costache

2 years ago


The worst food; it was cold and there was a piece of hair in my waffle. The dishes were not properly cleaned, washed away my appetite, I couldn’t even finish it because I was disgusted. The glass and straw seemed to be used before as they seemed antique.