Halal Reviews for Oodles Ilford

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Rehna Shiraz

3 weeks ago


Staff are very friendly and efficient young person. However, offer meals separate allowing adults to taste everything before ordering huge portion. Deserts, hot drinks and lunch time special meals. Food is delicious, halal, and platter everything inclusive. Mini boxes Β£2.00 meals taster or starter. I can never eat whole box waste of food money. Small portions variety. Everything mixed layers. Waiting time reduced especially lunch time.


2 months ago


It’s a great experience. The ambiance is very welcoming and charming. Staff are extremely knowledgeable and make great recommendations. If you're spicy food lovers, i definitely recommend this restaurant. you can enjoy normal spicy food test as well.

Sister Blog

3 months ago


It was really good experience at oodles with my family. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Food was well cooked and nicely served. Keep it up Well done chefs πŸ˜‡

atikur Rahman miah

3 months ago


Chinese lamb curry is fantastic here. With that egg rice and vegetables noodles and crispy chicken awesome combination. Generous portions sizes Best communication Loved it Cheers guys

Prajapati Dhiman

3 months ago


As I am vegetarian I always find very hard to eat outside but this store made me addicted to their veg options. Staff is very friendly here and make your food in front of you so you know everything kept separate Very satisfied with the service and food test Thanks guys keep it up.