Halal Reviews for Buns From Home

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a month ago


My favorite cinnamon buns in London! I always recommend the classic Cinnamon bun, Chocolate bun, and Pistachio buns. The custard buns are really good if you eat it right away, especially the tiramisu and cheesecake flavors. There’s a reason why this is a London favorite, really good and highly recommended.

Kira Browne

6 months ago


Delicious buns of all flavours, I like the idea of savoury ones too (the spinach and feta one is delicious). It's a cute little shop, although I felt the service could have been a little friendlier. The buns are quite tall so a bit hard to eat, but interesting flavour options and made for a good on-the-go breakfast!

Delfi Ardigo

in the last week


These buns are amazing. Vanilla custard on the left picture, then hazelnut and cinnamon rolls in the right. Very testy and delicious 😋


8 months ago


Absolutely love that Buns From Home has opened up in this corner of London - this little store is one of the stores on the outside of the Royal Exchange building (formerly a cigar shop). While teeny, it serves all the classic buns, as well as allpress coffee! Open only on weekdays.

Jamie Windsor

a month ago


Cinnamons buns were okay, fresh, good texture but small and not the most flavourful, they were £3.50 each and they had a few different varieties. We’ve had better but we can’t compare these to any others in London as we were only visiting. We queued outside for around 15 minutes for them to restock and the whole time the front of house server was itching his bum through the window whilst preparing the bags to put the buns in, not exactly very hygienic and we should have probably left there and then. Personally we wouldn’t return and can’t say we’d recommend.