Halal Reviews for Eato Chadwell Heath

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Eato Chadwell Heath and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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shuhed miah

a month ago


The food was amazing. Great service from the staff. Be prepared to wait awhile as all food is made from fresh.

Salam Jones

2 weeks ago


Great food, lovely staff. Friendly atmosphere. Very original decor.

Old Friend Hotel

in the last week


One of the best outing experience, the atmosphere, the setting and the food was fantastic. My kids loved love the food, you can taste the freshness in every bite.

Lukman Kamali

in the last week


What can i say, the burger and the cocktails were out of this world. you want to impress anyone take them to Eato.

Niraj Parmar

a month ago


Came here when it opened, really good food and great staff. Mocktails were brilliant!