Halal Reviews for Mamounia Mayfair

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Mamounia Mayfair and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Vertika Samar

in the last week


One of the best shishas in london you will have.. The outside seating is really nice. Make sure u try the moroccon tea (without sugar).

Namig Mammadov

3 weeks ago


Went before lockdown. Good shisha and drinks.

Shaghayegh Najari

4 weeks ago


The service was very poor. I had to wait 45 mins just for a dessert but it turned out they didn’t even have it... the vibe is not nice there, much better in other shisha lounges. I expected at least Arabic music since it’s a Lebanese & Moroccan restaurant. Very limited menu & they didn’t have lamb when I went there...

Fadia Ramminger

5 months ago


Place is really nice, love the live entertainment. Food require some improvement. Staff very polite and helpful. Was very happy with the service "5 stars ". And yes would go back for the service and entertainment