Halal Reviews for Patty&Bun Soho

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Patty&Bun Soho and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Vernon Dourado

8 months ago


Had the monthly special burger forgot the name but it had a juicy fried chicken burger with Welsh Rarebit! and the brisket loaded fries. Taste was supreme. The brisket fries hit different 😋

Andrew Burgess

2 months ago


A fun experience. Brilliant quality food. A nice ambiance. They accepted us in as a walk in and didn't judge us when we needed occasional help with dismembering our lobster. It was a fun experience. I recommend it. Great date place.

Felix Lupascu

10 months ago


A bit pricey in my opinion comparing with the amount of food that you get. The burger was tasty indeed. Good service and great music.

Gisela Santos

3 months ago


The atmosphere is very good, the music always puts me in a great mood! The service is very attentive and friendly. And the burgers are just amazing! Fantastic place!

Sona S

in the last week


Everything from the cocktails to the burgers to the fries is amazing! Rum punch definitely packs a punch but is really tasty. The vegan options are really lovely, one of the best burgers i’ve had. Staff are really friendly.