Halal Reviews for Myung Ga Soho

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Myung Ga Soho and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Cherry Brandy Kiss

a month ago


Forth time here and still love it! Great food and was lovely to find that it wasn’t fully booked. Love the yukhoe, Bibimbap and looking to do the barbecue thing next time. Can tell a good Korean restaurant when Koreans are eating there too.

Olivia Evagora

3 weeks ago


This is honestly the best Korean place in London, I always go here for kbbq as it’s so tasty! The staff are the best and there always so friendly towards me! If you want to try Korean food for the first time definitely come here!!

Jose Suarez Alvarez

3 weeks ago


The service was excellent, the food was amazing and the food was cooked Infront of you. I highly recommend to everyone to dinne in this restaurant. I will go back again. If I have guests, this is one brilliant place to invite them for dinner or any time.

Isadora Troni

a week ago


Staff was super friendly and very welcoming. The food was delicious and came very quickly.

Bobby Nazareth

3 weeks ago


Amazing food and extremely competent and friendly staff . Will definitely go there . Took my nephew and absolutely loved the BBQ experience and the tastes .