Halal Reviews for Famz Doner Gants Hill

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a month ago


The best kebab in the town. The bread they use is unique and make the big difference. And kebab taste very good. Been there so many time since open. Kids love the meat and chips.

Fortray Networks

a month ago


Good, excellent doner kebab. Simple menu with many desserts and sides. Very decent and swift service, also gives your money's worth.

Fahad Malik

2 months ago


Have been familiar with the name Fam'z for some time now, The new Doner Kebab Project is very creative in its own way as they are redefining the menu and combinations for Kebabs. Apart from that , the Kebab itself was one of the best I ever had, Very good product in itself, And the ambiance they have created in store is just next level, Everything seems perfect and also the management in rush hours shows they are very good at what they do. Would definitely be coming back and recommend others.

Moshud Choudhury

3 weeks ago


Guy you need to find a way to turn orders around quick. Your business has potential but to keep repeating customers you have to make it a fast food joint. Still waiting 30 mins on. Increase the amount of sauce you put in your kebabs, it's like a teaspoon

Jay Naraina

2 months ago


My experience at Famz Doner Kabab was amazing; I was drawn in by the welcoming atmosphere and, in particular, a staff member. I was walking when this wonderful staff member approached me and offered me a sample. She was extremely pleasant and courteous.