Halal Reviews for Hashtag Cafe Seven Kings

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Sameya Mughull

3 months ago


This place is amazing! Iv popped in several times since they have opened and thought it definitely deserves a review. The drinks and food were all tasty and deserts were delicious also very well priced, showed the best attitude to their customers. Honestly it has a good ambiance love the great interior all over the place, If you’re up for a fresh place this is a must to visit. I will definitely rate them a five-star six-stars if i could for everything that they provided. Highly recommended!

Salil kumar Chaudhari

3 months ago


Fantastic food. Excellent service.Highly recommend it. The management and staff are to be commended for their expertise and professionalism. I wish the staff and management all the best for the future

Sabera Ebrahim

3 months ago


Lovely food. Had a great time today with family. Excellent service. Friendly staff. Clean and modern decor. This cafe will be one of my favourite places. Would definitely go again and recommend to others.

Far Sab

in the last week


Amazing breakfasts . Th french toast was the best I have had around... Took a while to come, but the wait was definitely worth it. The karak chai was really good, and not milky brown syrup like in some places. Will be going back soon.

I Mulla

2 months ago


Stumbled upon this place whilst driving stopped here for breakfast with my mate. There's a massive carpark directly opposite. Looks like a brand new establishment looked very nice and fancy. Food was absolutely tasty and delicious. Customer service was top notch. Will definitely visit here again.