Halal Reviews for Watan Ilford

We've collected all the Halal reviews for Watan Ilford and put them in one place. This saves you from going through hundreds of reviews which might not be relevant to the Halal experience you're looking for.

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Hamster 3001

2 months ago


Excellent restaurant. Comfortable seating and great customer service. Food is exceptional and very affordable for a night out. Will definitely be back.

H Kay

in the last week


Lovely place. Lovely minimal decor. Staff were nice and attentive. Food came fresh, hot and tasty. Would definitely be going there again

Zarif Ahmed

3 weeks ago


Good food and taste amazing. Love how the kitchen is exposed and you can see how your food’s getting made. I hope they will increase the seating area and keep on top of the cleanliness.


a month ago


Food was amazing. The service by Taj was superb and the waiting time was minimal. We went as a group of 12 and the service was highly efficient. Highly recommended 👌

Fulcrum Marketing

a month ago


Nice food and best service, Only issue is seating capacity they should start taking bookings to avoid the long queues outside. Food is delicious will go again and again. Defo recommended..👍🏻👍🏻