Halal Reviews for Pinos Warung Camden

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Kirran Lochhead Strang

a week ago


As an Indonesian learner living in a city with no Indonesian restaurants, I've come to Pino's Warung a couple of times in hopes of speaking Indonesian and meeting some people. However, the popularity of the place makes this a bit impossible - always pretty busy! Testifies to the quality of the food. Prices are also good, and there's a bit of space you can sit down in and hang out while you eat as well. Recommended.

Tom Canning

3 weeks ago


A gem within Camden Market. Authentic, unique and tasty Indonesian street food that is obviously very popular with the local Indonesian community. The staff are warm and welcoming, and seem to be very proud in their creations, so don't feel shy to ask questions if you're curious. They also have a selection of Indonesian snack you can take home with you.

Riki Akbar

2 months ago


The taste was satisfactory. No problem with the food authenticity. However, the experience was quite off. The owner seems to be nicer towards the locals instead of his fellow Indonesian. Not very spacious as well as it gets very hot inside.

Indi Saputra

a month ago


The most authentic Indonesian foods in London. Fun and friendly staffs. Best rendang, bakso and chicken satay with variant special authentic dishes every week. Good portion with good price. My place to go whenever I miss home cook Indonesian foods.

Adam Lancaster

a week ago


Absolutely delicious food. If you want legit Indonesian flavour and service then head to Pinos. I’m just sad it’s not closer to my house.